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Black raspberry in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2021-01-24Updated:2021-01-24
Similar words: raspberryblackberryblack ratblack raceblack cherrypackratpack ratsack raceMeaning: n. raspberry native to eastern North America having black thimble-shaped fruit. 
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1, Its 1993 syrah, offers deep black raspberry flavors and a firm structure, bolstered by 20 percent petite sirah.
2, It offers intense black raspberry and black pepper flavor reminiscent of a fine Cote Rotie.
3, Lovely but structured black cherry and black raspberry.
4, The wish buys a black raspberry ,[ raspberry.html] but also has a demand to the entertainment function to be possible under the consideration this type.
5, Several drops of Black Raspberry Syrup. Combine with ice and shake. Strain and serve straight up.
6, The black raspberry handset user may use this search engine to discover the nearby service and the attractive place.
7, Between this Apple Company and the black raspberry company's tangled warfare is actually splendid!
8, Intense black raspberry and plum aromatics are threaded with cedar, allspice and a touch of vanilla.
9, This full-bodied, supple red wine offers lovely blackberry and black raspberry fruit and hints of chocolate and herbs.
10, The 1992 Lytton Springs pinned me to the floor with its penetrating flavors of black raspberry and chocolate.
11, This is an astonishingly fine wine with great concentration and wonderful flavors of black cherry, chocolate, black raspberry and herbs.
12, It has evolved over the years from a nouveau style to a more weighty red wine with distinctive black raspberry fruit.
13, This service starts from the next month to clear, the black raspberry handset user may send the information, the upload picture mutually through the public relations website.
14, It reveals an enticing perfume of smoke, leather, tobacco, spice box, blueberry, and black raspberry.
15, Lab studies suggest that black mulberry juice, wild grape juice, pomegranate juice, and black raspberry juice also interfere with CYP3A4.
16, In a recent study, berry extracts slowed the growth of cancer cells; specifically, strawberry and black raspberry extracts had the greatest impact on colon cancer cells.
17, Diets were prepared with or without freeze-dried powders (10%) from whole blueberries (BB), strawberries (SB), Concord grape or black raspberry.
18, This model of handset's technical norms have many and "the black raspberry storm" similar.
19, In Study 1, serum triglycerides were increased by feeding the HF45 diet but were elevated further when black raspberry or BB was included in the HF45 diet.
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